One way you can make a funeral service at a Haltom City, TX funeral home even more special is by personalizing it. Doing so will make the final service all the more meaningful and relevant for you, your family, and people who had known the deceased. Here’s a look at some of the ways you can personalize a funeral service so that it honors your deceased relative.
Memorial videos are one way you can personalize a funeral service. You’ll have a lot of creative freedom in terms of how you go about putting one together. You can include footage of the deceased before their passing, you can include clips of the whole family on vacation or enjoying a barbeque on the back deck, you can include short testimonials from family and friends, you can include music, you can include artwork and poetry, and you can include a whole lot more. You can show the memorial video at the funeral service, memorial service, or celebration of life service. And you can create copies of the memorial video and then hand them out to family and friends of the deceased. All who get one will be able to watch and re-watch it as they please.
Another way you can personalize the final service is by carefully selecting the venue or location. Was the deceased an avid camper who loved the great outdoors? You might want to have the funeral, memorial, or celebration of life in a location that honors the memory of the deceased. It can also be as simple as going to a restaurant that had been a favorite of the deceased.
You can also honor the memory of the deceased in a deeply personal way by having a special dress code. Whether it’s a favorite color, a sports jersey theme, or something else, you can personalize the funeral service by announcing a dress code. People will be able to show, by what they wear, how much the deceased had meant to them.
Was your deceased loved one really into flowers? Perhaps they even had a favorite variety. If this is the case, you should consider incorporating flowers into the service. It will be a good way to personalize the event. You can get the flowers you need from the funeral home that helps you plan the final service. The funeral director will also be able to explain to you the symbolism behind many of the more popular flower or plant varieties. This might make it easier for you to choose the floral arrangements for the funeral, memorial, or celebration of life service.
If you need help from a funeral home in Haltom City, TX, get in touch to speak with our funeral director. We offer traditional service, graveside service, cremation with a viewing, and direct cremation options. For the help you need, give us a call or drop by for a visit if you’d like to speak with someone in person. We’re here to help!